Sunday 3 November 2013

Student Evalutation

I Personally would Give this: 40/60

What worked well: The camera shots for the first half of the opening scene was really good and suited the shots. I also liked the actor they found as it suited the role of the character they needed. The sounds added a good effect and tension to the scene and made me wonder why is he doing is which is good.

What Didn't work: The jumping back and forth near the end made no sense as I had no idea why he was walking up to the door. It left you with too much  confusion so you didn't really know what the plot is. They also went for a stereotypical person which made it similar to other things rather than something different and original.


Worked well: The music and editing added the tension and made this opening scene. The black and white also added an eerie feel when watching  the opening scene.
What could have been improved: The camera shots could have been improved in some places and the acting of the person could have been improved also. Displaying the name of this opening scene would also improve it.

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