Monday 27 January 2014

Question 3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

'Lionsgate' is appropriate for our film distribution. We chose this particular institution because of its success and popularity. We felt it would be the best for our film because it has distributed popular, action packed films in the past. Such as:
  • The Hunger Games
  • Saw
  • The Expendables
  • Kick- Ass
  • Twilight
  • Texas Chainsaw
  • Abduction
  • Warrior
  • Enders Game
  • The Last Stand

Monday 20 January 2014

Production Diary

Production Meetings
Tuesday 5th  November
 We Shared each of our individual film pitches with the group and chose the one we would like to develop. We decided that we would choose Bens because it was original, interesting and he had a lot of detail about the film on there. We changed some of the idea that the group didn't agree with and put it on a PowerPoint to pitch the film which is called ‘Fighting to Survive’
Wednesday 6th November
We continued to tweak the information in the PowerPoint and make sure it all made sense for when we was going to pitch it.
Thursday 7th November
We pitched our film idea to the class. We received feedback from pupils and the teachers, suggesting ideas to make it better and also stating the ideas they liked. We decided who was going to play each character and who was going to play each character and assigned the roles of Jack being the poor boy, Ben the rich boy and Elise would be Camera man.
Friday 8th November
Monday 11th November
(Jack absent due to physics trip.) Elise made a start on the storyboard while Ben thought about what props we needed and uploaded our mood board to the blog.
Tuesday 12th November
We began to look at possible locations for when we was going to record and what clothing each of us would need.  Elise also continued storyboard.
Wednesday 13th November
We decided we would record in town as we knew there was a boxing club there and was also easy for all of us to get to. We finished up storyboard and props list.
Thursday 14th November
We focused on addressing the issues we found in the class pitch and editing our storyboard to suit these changes.
Friday 15th November
We decided we wasn’t going to do spilt screen of each of the characters instead we was going to use prop transitions to get from each character
Monday 18th November
We practised our prop transitions from character to character to make sure Jack was able to do it in the opening scene.
Tuesday 19th November
Jack was practising editing while Elise and Ben was adding to the props list and we had to re upload the mood board because there was a technical issue.
Wednesday 20th November
We took photos of our storyboard and put them on Jacks photos we then realised that we didn’t have any music.
Thursday 21st November
Friday 22nd November
Elise and Ben started to look at choice of music while Jack recorded the voice over for the storyboard on audacity then saved the recordings then combined them with the pictures of the storyboard in adobe premier and exported the file so it was a video.
Monday 25th November
We decided that this weekend we would record our footage in town and the rest at Bens house tomorrow as we had to show how rich he was.
Tuesday 26th November
We went round to Bens house and recorded his scenes at his home.
Wednesday 27th November
Jack spent the day editing the clips while Ben looked at music and Elise looked at different fonts for our titles.
Thursday 28th November
Jack continued editing and made sure he had everything he needed for the weekend. Elise helped Ben with the final choice of music.
Friday 29th November-
Jack prepared the clips we recorded so we could just add them when the rest of the recording was finished.

Saturday 30th November
Recorded other shots.
Monday 2nd – 6th  December 
Jack edited the opening scene with help from Ben and Elise.
Tuesday 10th December
Today we peer assessed everyone else’s work. We watched the 22 minute long video miss had put together of everyone’s rough cuts and gave feedback on sheets.
Wednesday 11th December
We uploaded the pros and cons of our rough cut and Jack fixed the editing issues while Elise and Ben took care of the others.
Thursday 12th December
Jack made the Production logo and added music to the opening scene along with custom made titles. Elise did the timeline which we forgot to do and Ben took photos of us working and they took one of him
Friday 13th December
Jack finished our Final cut of the opening scene to fighting to survive and uploaded it to YouTube then embedded it to his blog so Elise and Ben could do the same.
Monday 16th December
Ben rewrote the shooting schedule while Jack started working on posters and Elise helped.
Tuesday 17th December
Jack uploaded the videos then recorded interviews on what people thought about the fighting to survive opening scene and uploaded the montage of interviews onto YouTube and embedded into Jacks blog.
Wednesday 18th December
We uploaded things we forgot to mention for example budget, distributor and made sure that we didn’t miss anything.
Friday 20th December
Labelled all blog work and uploaded missing bit of work.

Evaluation of prelim task

 We used a programme called Prezi to display our evaluation of our preliminary task.


Scene 1

[ Jack is sleeping on the grass in a old sleeping bag and remains still]

Scene 2

[Ben wakes up slowly and picks up phone]
[zoom in while Ben is holding phone]

Scene 3

[ Jack snaps his phone shut]
[ Jack then gets up off the bench, picks up his bag and walks behind the tree]

Scene 4

[ Ben walks out the bedroom and into the bathroom]
[ Looks into the mirror for 2 seconds and then goes down to was his face]

Scene 5

[ Jack looks up while looking into outside mirror]
[Jack turns around and walks behind camera]
[ Jack goes down curb right foot first]

Scene 6

[ Ben goes down steps left foot 1st]
[Ben walks into the kitchen, sits down and then takes a spoonful of the breakfast]

Scene 7

[ Jack is biting into a cheese burger nods his head in approval and looks to the right side]
[ Jack drops the McDonald wrapper on the floor]

Scene 8

[ Ben picks up bag and walks out of kitchen]
[Ben sits on stairs and puts on his shoes and then zips up his bag pushing the boxing gloves in the bag and walks out front door]
[Ben walks out of drive and turns left]

Scene 9

[Jack walks up road and turns left]

Scene 10

[Ben walks down pavement]

Scene 11

[ Jack walks up pavement when thug 1&2 chase after Jack and follow him across the road in a high speed chase]

Scene 12

[Ben meets up with friend 1&2 and greets them both with a special handshake and points right and they walk in that direction together]

Scene 13

[Jack sprints up street and turns left and hides behind building while looking through glass]
[thug 1 moans at thug 2 for loosing Jack and than jog off in the other direction]

Scene 14
[Ben is holding the boxing gloves out of bag and meets Jack as they both turn into path]
[Both briefly look at each other then continue at same speed into the boxing club]
[when entering boxing club they turn left when they enter the building]

LAP Chart 2

1) Initial pitch and presentation
Work on presentational skills- presentation is more organised so it looked more professional.
2)  Photograph/video evidence of group planning
Add more pictures- Pictures added
3)  Moodboard of initial ideas including inspirational shots from real films
Upload- Uploaded
4)  Synopsis planning
Upload – Uploaded
5)  Evidence of how planned opening fits with research into codes/conventions, genre, audience
Upload – Uploaded
6)  Storyboard (draw or post it notes) - film and upload with voiceover
Need voice over – added voice over
7)  Titles research
Titles research done
8)  Group pitch - prezi or ppt
Upload - Uploaded
9) Class feedback and peer assessment on pitch and amendments planned
Upload - Uploaded
10) Timeline of opening - timings of   footage, titles and sound
Upload - Uploaded
11) script
Script needs uploading- Stage directions will be done
12) location and recce shots
Upload - Uploaded
13)  shot list
Upload - Uploaded
14)  storyboard
Upload - Uploaded
15) fonts for titles  research
Upload - Uploaded
16) props research and list
Upload - Uploaded
17) shooting schedule
Upload- Uploaded
18) health and safety information (risk assessment forms)
Ben needs to Upload – Uploaded it
19) music research ideas ( copyright free – unsigned or over 50 years old)
Need to choose music – Music chosen
20) Changes made along the way, reflective summaries on progress, for example if you had to re-shoot, change edit, sound difficulties etc
Uploaded changes made

LAP Chart 1

Task and objectives
Stage of Completion/
State Self/Peer or Teacher Assessment
Looking at task and objectives as well as the level criteria comments
- what went well and even better if
Improvement and
(how have you taken those comments on board and improved)
Set up blog/labels/posts
I removed unnecessary Labels and  made sure all my work had the correct labels.
Genre task – opening sequence analysis
Generally good but could have more detail
Improved the detail.
Semiotics/Image analysis
Fixed the title
Demonstrate understanding of genre with film pitch
Good detailed pitch which has put a lot of thought of genre and what it feels. How will it be different?
Explained how the film is different to other films.
Evaluation of film pitch
Very detailed and explained well could show more film similar to it?
Added more films to the mood board.
Know how to apply  Barthes narrative theory
Some theory write up. Add the others discussed. The magazine is representing women as opposed to itself. Discuss their representation.
Fixed to the representation so it’s about women not the magazine and discussed the representation.
Film language (camera, editing, sound and mes)
Shot analysis
Not uploaded yet.

Task and objectives
State Self/Peer/Teacher Assessment
Looking at task and objectives as well as the level criteria comments
- what went well and even better if
Improvement and Analysis
(how have you taken those comments on board and improved)
Opening scene analyses (3)
Camera, editing, sound and mise en scene
God father is not opening scene but mise en scene work is good. Nothing on sound or camera shots.
Spoke about sound and camera shots.
Big budget/Small
Not uploaded
Juno task
Juno task was good but tracking shot needs improvement.
Didn’t have time to change but made sure it doesn’t happen in prelim task.
Preliminary Task
(storyboard, plan, script, final edited version)
uploaded onto blog
Video has been uploaded. Storyboard and script needs to be uploaded.
Storyboard and script uploaded.
Prelim Task evaluation
(what do you and others think of the task)
No evaluation uploaded.
Past student video evaluations (notes from class, using exam criteria)
Work done on this of other videos of past pupils but they are not in the video.
Added more than one video of past student evaluations.
BLOG CHECK - Overall look and feel of blog.
Appear to have many labels that don’t seem to have any actual work in them.
Fixed labels all work is now organised.