Monday 20 January 2014

LAP Chart 2

1) Initial pitch and presentation
Work on presentational skills- presentation is more organised so it looked more professional.
2)  Photograph/video evidence of group planning
Add more pictures- Pictures added
3)  Moodboard of initial ideas including inspirational shots from real films
Upload- Uploaded
4)  Synopsis planning
Upload – Uploaded
5)  Evidence of how planned opening fits with research into codes/conventions, genre, audience
Upload – Uploaded
6)  Storyboard (draw or post it notes) - film and upload with voiceover
Need voice over – added voice over
7)  Titles research
Titles research done
8)  Group pitch - prezi or ppt
Upload - Uploaded
9) Class feedback and peer assessment on pitch and amendments planned
Upload - Uploaded
10) Timeline of opening - timings of   footage, titles and sound
Upload - Uploaded
11) script
Script needs uploading- Stage directions will be done
12) location and recce shots
Upload - Uploaded
13)  shot list
Upload - Uploaded
14)  storyboard
Upload - Uploaded
15) fonts for titles  research
Upload - Uploaded
16) props research and list
Upload - Uploaded
17) shooting schedule
Upload- Uploaded
18) health and safety information (risk assessment forms)
Ben needs to Upload – Uploaded it
19) music research ideas ( copyright free – unsigned or over 50 years old)
Need to choose music – Music chosen
20) Changes made along the way, reflective summaries on progress, for example if you had to re-shoot, change edit, sound difficulties etc
Uploaded changes made

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